Selasa, 21 Mei 2024

GPT360 - Provides valuable insights to increase success in the digital world of innovation and community engagement

Take a look at the 𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝟑 most active chats from the last 24 hours on the #GPT360 leaderboard right now!


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What is GPT360?

GPT360 is an innovative platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize marketing and community engagement in the digital landscape. With a comprehensive suite of AI-powered features, GPT360 addresses key challenges faced by projects, marketers, investors, and online communities.

Engaging and monetizing online communities is a critical aspect of building a thriving ecosystem. GPT360's Chaterium Network incentivizes users' daily engagement and chatting activities within popular messaging platforms like Telegram and Discord. By rewarding community members with tokens, the Chaterium Network fosters a vibrant and sustainable community-driven environment.

GPT360 is a pioneering platform that stands at the forefront of integrating the dynamic world of Web3 with the expansive reach of Web2. At its core, GPT360 is designed to serve as a superApp, offering an extensive suite of tools and features that cater to the diverse needs of Web3 project owners and enthusiasts alike. Our mission is to facilitate mass adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies by providing innovative solutions for marketing, community engagement, and networking. Visualize a platform that brings together the best of Web3's cutting-edge technologies with the user-friendly experience of Web2. That's GPT360 for you. It's like a super app designed to make cryptocurrency and blockchain accessible, engaging, and rewarding for everyone.

GPT360 Goal for Making Cryptocurrency Fun and Accessible

GPT360 goal is very simple, they just want to make cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies easy to understand, use, and enjoy. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore this exciting world without feeling overwhelmed.

One of GPT360's primary missions is to empower community owners and users alike. Through the Chaterium Network's innovative rewards system, users are incentivized to participate actively, driving engagement and knowledge sharing. This approach not only attracts newcomers to the world of cryptocurrency but also fosters a sense of belonging and collaboration within communities.

GPT360 Solution

GPT360 is engineered to bridge the existing divide between the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem and the broader digital community, particularly targeting Web2 users. Through a combination of innovative features and a user-centric approach, GPT360 addresses the core challenges identified in the digital and cryptocurrency sectors.

Chaterium Network: Gateway for Web2 User Acquisition and Education

Central to our strategy for uniting digital communities and facilitating the transition of Web2 users to Web3 technologies is the Chaterium Network. This feature is not merely a platform for enhancing community visibility and engagement; it is a pioneering ecosystem designed to attract Web2 users by rewarding them for active participation in online conversations. By integrating our protocol into their communities, owners can offer distributed rewards for meaningful engagement, making the concept of earning cryptocurrency through simple chat interactions a reality.

This innovative approach serves two critical functions:

Attracting Web2 Users: The prospect of earning rewards for participation acts as a powerful incentive for Web2 users to explore and engage with cryptocurrency communities. This not only introduces them to the world of Web3 but also provides a practical, enjoyable entry point.

Educational Platform: As users become more active within these communities, they naturally learn about key concepts such as connecting wallets, registering accounts, understanding gas fees, and more. The Chaterium Network thus functions as an effective educational tool, demystifying the complexities of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology through practical, hands-on experience.

Comprehensive Ecosystem for Enhanced Engagement, Adoption, and Collaboration

In addition to the Chaterium Network, GPT360 offers a suite of solutions tailored to address the broader challenges facing the cryptocurrency and digital community landscapes:

AI Tools: Our AI Crypto News and AI Chatbot Moderator provide curated content and maintain a positive community environment, further supporting user education and engagement.

Affiliate Networking Hub: This platform streamlines the process of networking and collaboration, enabling efficient connections between startups, projects, and intermediaries.

Targeted Marketing and Advertisement Services: GPT360 assists project owners in crafting and executing effective marketing strategies, ensuring their projects reach and resonate with their intended audience.
Revolutionizing the Technical Landscape: Unveiling the Cutting-Edge Technology Behind GPT360

GPT360 combines AI model fine-tuning with blockchain networks to enhance marketing strategies, decision-making, and community engagement. By optimizing AI models and leveraging blockchain, GPT360 delivers personalized insights, secure transactions, and a seamless Web 3.0 experience. GPT360 leverages the power of blockchain technology to provide a secure, transparent, and decentralized platform for its users. The platform utilizes two prominent blockchain networks - the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) for its native token and for non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The choice to build our token on the BSC network stems from its efficiency, scalability, and low transaction fees. BSC offers high-speed transactions and a robust ecosystem, making it an ideal choice for GPT360's native token. By leveraging the BSC network, we ensure seamless and cost-effective transactions, enabling users to access and utilize GPT360's features without the burden of exorbitant gas fees.

GPT360 remains agile and adaptable, actively exploring new opportunities and advancements in the technology. We are committed to staying at the forefront of blockchain innovation, continuously enhancing our platform's technical infrastructure to provide a seamless and secure experience for our users. By leveraging the power of the BSC, GPT360 offers a robust foundation for its native token and NFTs, enabling users to unlock the full potential of our AI-powered features within a decentralized and transparent environment.

Team & Advisors

Nikita K: CEO & Founder
Viktor L: CTO & Co-founder
Artjom L: UX/UI Lead & Co-founder
Anton S: CMO
Yuri S: Lead Back-End Developer
Yulia P: Lead Front-End Developer
Albina G: Art Director
Vladimir: Co-founder, CEO at Blockchain Cuties Universe
Paul Farhi: Founder & CEO at Solidus AI Tech
Blacktokenomics: Tokenomics Audit
Michael Gord: Co-Founder & CEO @ GDA Capital


Token info

Ticker: G360
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token price in USD: 1 G360 = 0.008 USD
Token distributionSeed Round: 6.00%
Private Round: 4.50%
KOLs: 2.67%
Team: 10.00%
Development: 9.00%
Advisors: 4.00%
Marketing: 10.00%
Airdrop: 0.50%
Rewards: 12.00%
Ecosystem Activities: 20.00%
Liquidity : 10.00%
Public Sale: 11.33%

Token Use cases

The GPT360 token offers a range of valuable use cases for both users and investors within the ecosystem:

NFT Upgrading, Leveling, and Repairing: Users can utilize the GPT360 token to upgrade, level up, or repair their NFTs. This functionality is crucial for the Chaterium feature, ensuring the optimal performance and functionality of NFTs within decentralized communities.

Subscription for Chat Moderation AI Bot: Users can subscribe to the chat moderation AI bot using GPT360 tokens. This feature enhances the community management aspect of Chaterium by providing automated and efficient moderation services within messaging platforms like Discord and Telegram.

Battle Pass users and community owners will require GPT360 tokens to access and utilize the Battle Pass features. Community owners must also utilize GPT360 tokens to create tasks within the Battle Pass and contribute to the prize pool for these tasks' rewards. Users are required to make a one-time payment in GPT360 tokens to gain access to the season's Battle Pass.

Creating a Sprint event within the community will necessitate community owners to pay the creation fee in GPT360 tokens. This fee ensures the quality of Sprint events and helps cover platform costs

User Subscriptions for Chaterium Chat&Earn Feature: Users can subscribe to the Chaterium Chat&Earn feature using GPT360 tokens. This subscription provides an opportunity for users to earn rewards within decentralized communities even without owning an NFT. However, the gain rates may be lower compared to NFT holders, and certain specific features unlocked by NFT ownership may not be accessible.

Staking: Investors can stake their GPT360 tokens to earn passive income. Staking provides a mechanism for token holders to support the network's security and stability while earning rewards based on the amount of tokens staked.

DAO Voting: Token holders have the opportunity to participate in decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance by using their GPT360 tokens for voting on important decisions, such as platform upgrades, feature enhancements, and community initiatives.

In Affiliate Hub, the use of GPT360 tokens presents a dynamic opportunity for project owners to enhance their visibility and attract new partners. By leveraging GPT360 tokens, project owners can increase their chances of securing partnerships and stand out in the competitive affiliate landscape.

GPT360 Roadmap

Q1 2022
Development of Chaterium Protocol begins.

Q2 2022
Initial tests and implementation of Chaterium Protocol in Telegram.

Q3 2022
Development of Discord integration starts.

Q4 2022
Completion of Discord integration.
Overall ecosystem improvements.

Q1 2023
Launching Testnet for Chaterium feature.
Increasing awareness and introducing the leaderboard.

Q2 2023
Onboarding online communities.
Establishing media partnerships.
More than 1000 participants on the testnet.
Forming strategic partnerships.

Q3 2023
Development of a new roadmap.
GPT360 branding initiatives.
Forming strategic partnerships.
Leaderboard release

Q4 2023
Blog Release
Project/community owner Admin panel release
Ambassador program initiation
Custom Events product release
Protocol integrations and promotion sales launch

Q1 2024
Launching GPT360 bot public Ads
In-bot advertisements and statistics
Launching GPT360 on-site banner promotions
Establishing Revenue Streams

Q2 2024
Extended Community Dashboard Analytics
Custom Events upgrade to multi-chain

Q3 2024
Affiliate Networking Hub BETA Release
Battlepass Release

Q4 2024
Implementation of DAO governance
X Raids feature release

Q1 2025
Custom Sprints Feature release
Deployment of the AI Moderation Chatbot

Q2 2025
Affiliate Networking Hub Full Version Update
User Subscriptions functionality
Launch of the AI Crypto News feature

Q3 2025
Development of a new roadmap to outline future milestones and goals


GPT360 stands as a revolutionary platform that bridges the gap between the potential of Web3 and the wider audience's current engagement level. By addressing the core challenges of community fragmentation, adoption barriers, networking inefficiencies, and marketing limitations, GPT360 fosters a more inclusive, educated, and vibrant digital ecosystem. Our platform is not just a tool but a catalyst for the widespread acceptance and understanding of cryptocurrency, paving the way for a future where digital communities are interconnected, empowered, and thriving.

Jumat, 11 Agustus 2023

HashFair - an innovative feature that has the potential to revolutionize the online gaming landscape.



Traditional online gaming platforms have long struggled with issues of trust, fairness and a lack of player engagement. However, HashFair aims to address these challenges head-on by leveraging the power of blockchain technology and decentralized principles. By leveraging immutable blockchain cryptographic ledgers and algorithms, HashFair guarantees transparent and tamper-proof gaming results. Every game result comes from a blockchain hash value, ensuring that every game is fair, provable, and cannot be manipulated. Players can now trust that their gaming experience is governed by a decentralized and untrustworthy system.

Welcome to HashFair.

The leading decentralized, DAO-based online game. Here, each game outcome is linked to a blockchain transaction hash, ensuring an unparalleled level of fairness and transparency.

Enter HashFair's revolutionary platform, where every spin, spin or deal is reliably calculated using a hash value, defining the future of safe and trusted online gaming.

HashFair, the innovative Web3 decentralized gaming platform, is set to change the world of online gaming with its cutting-edge technology and innovative approach. Offering unparalleled transparency, fairness and user control, HashFair presents itself as the best solution for gamers looking for an immersive and rewarding online gaming experience.

What really sets HashFair apart?

His unwavering commitment to user control and ownership in the Web3 decentralized gaming realm. By integrating blockchain technology, HashFair gives players complete control over their funds and assets in their own decentralized Web 3.0 wallet. Gone are the days of relying on middlemen or worrying about the security of funds. HashFair empowers players by putting control back into their hands, offering a safe and empowering gaming experience like never before.


The essence of HashFair's innovation

At the heart of HashFair's innovation is the introduction of the world's first decentralized dealer. Operating independently of smart contracts, this groundbreaking feature is revolutionizing the gaming industry by removing the need for human intervention and ensuring true fairness in gameplay. The decentralized dealer guarantees impartial gaming results, offering a level playing field for all players. By eliminating the influence of middlemen and centralized control, HashFair ensures an unparalleled gaming experience where trust is inherent and fairness prevails.

But HashFair goes beyond transparency and fairness. It actively encourages player participation through a unique governance model. Token holders have the opportunity to actively shape the development and direction of the platform. By holding tokens, players become integral stakeholders, with the power to influence key decisions regarding game development, mechanics, and future updates. This community-driven approach fosters collaboration and inclusivity, empowers players and creates a vibrant ecosystem where everyone has a voice.


The Dealer Contract

The HashFair Dealer Contract is primarily responsible for managing the supply of HFG Tokens and distributing profits among NFT holders. However, it does not directly handle gaming round transactions. The gaming round transactions are typically handled by other contracts or components of the HashFair platform.

In the context of a gaming round, the Dealer Contract may be involved in the following ways:

  • Token Transfer: When a player participates in a gaming round, they may need to transfer HFG Tokens to a specific contract or address to place their bets. The Dealer Contract can facilitate this token transfer by allowing players to interact with it and transfer their HFG Tokens to the appropriate gaming contract.
  • Profit Distribution: After a gaming round is completed and profits are generated by the platform, the Dealer Contract receives a portion of these profits from the platform's profit calculation mechanism. The Dealer Contract then distributes a percentage of this profit (usually 1%) among the NFT holders according to their stake in the platform.
  • Updating Token Balances: As profits are distributed to NFT holders, the Dealer Contract updates the token balances of each holder based on their share of the profit. This ensures that the NFT holders' HFG Token balances accurately reflect their earnings.

It's important to note that the specific implementation and details of gaming round transactions may vary depending on the architecture and design of the HashFair platform. The Dealer Contract's role in gaming round transactions would be defined by the platform's smart contract infrastructure and how it interacts with other components involved in gaming round operations.

Token Details

Name: HashFair
Symbol: HFG
Total Supply: 2,000,000,000 HFG
Contract Address: 0x681E04eA8F903da45A6520eE1e5F4B21b4503fcf
Blockchain: Polygon Mainnet


The future of online gaming lies with HashFair, the leading Web3 decentralized gaming platform, and early investors have a unique opportunity to be part of this groundbreaking revolution. By investing in HashFair, individuals can become early adopters of the platform poised to disrupt the industry. By its transparent and decentralized nature, HashFair offers investors the potential for huge returns while contributing to the growth and development of the pioneering platform.

Join us as we embark on this journey to revolutionize the gaming industry, bridging the gap between traditional gaming and the promise of Web 3.0 technologies. Welcome to the world of HashFair – where every player can experience fair play.

#HashFairGames #HashFair #HFG #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #money #crypto #Polygon #Matic #cryptocurrencies #fintech

For More Information:


Rabu, 09 Agustus 2023

HashFair - A trusted and forward-thinking platform that is setting new standards in online gaming


Web 3 gaming is a decentralized gaming process in which the activities of a game ecosystem or game platform, in particular ownership of game assets and decision-making in all aspects of games, are delegated away from any central authority. Web 3 gaming is built by integrating blockchain into the gaming ecosystem, and allows gamers to express their opinions about when and how games should develop.

Web 3 gaming is also laying the foundations of play-to-earn for players, and it's changing the fee-to-earn aspect by offering asset trading, tradable game tokens, and opportunities to earn in cryptos while playing. Web 3 gaming has revolutionized many industries, including gaming. A major change from traditional gaming platforms, Web 3-based gaming enables players to engage with games in an innovative and decentralized way.

HashFair introduces a groundbreaking concept to the online gaming industry, offering an unprecedented level of user engagement and empowerment. Unlike any other platform, we have pioneered an innovative system where users actively participate in the creation and governance of our online gaming application through DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) governance.

At HashFair, we firmly believe in the power of community-driven success. Our platform gives every community member the opportunity to contribute their ideas, insights, and expertise to shape the future of our gaming ecosystem. Through the DAO governance model, users can actively participate in decision-making processes, propose enhancements, and vote on crucial matters that impact the platform's development. Web 3.0 games like HashFair can provide a safer, fairer, and more enjoyable online gaming experience than their traditional Web 2.0 counterparts.

Join HashFair today and be part of the future of online gaming, where users are not just players but active contributors and beneficiaries of our community-driven platform. Together, we will revolutionize the industry, shaping a gaming experience that truly reflects the desires and interests of our community members.


Welcome to HashFair, the cutting-edge frontier of decentralized gaming. We're proud to offer a brand-new level of transparency and fairness with our groundbreaking algorithm. Drawing from the unchangeable block hashes of the Polygon Chain, we've created a unique formula that guarantees complete randomness in our range of online games, including roulette. This novel approach maps hash data directly onto roulette wheel numbers, ensuring a perfectly unbiased and decentralized gaming experience like never before. With HashFair, it's not just about playing; it's about embracing a trustless, secure, and thrilling future in gaming.

HashFair is an innovative online games platform pioneering the integration of Web 3.0 technologies within the gaming industry. Built upon the robust infrastructure of blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and smart contracts, HashFair has introduced the world's first decentralized dealer. Operating autonomously on an immutable smart contract, this decentralized dealer is a groundbreaking feature that has the potential to revolutionize the online gaming landscape.

Traditional online games platforms often rely on a centralized authority or a 'trusted third party' to maintain fair play, which can create a layer of opacity and mistrust. HashFair, however, disrupts this approach by providing an autonomous dealer that guarantees both the integrity of game outcomes and the immediacy of transactions. By leveraging blockchain technology, all game outcomes are transparent, traceable, and tamper-proof, which not only instills trust among gamers but also removes the need for a central authority.

Moreover, HashFair differs significantly from conventional 'provably fair' and 'Random Number Generator (RNG)' models prevalent in the online gaming domain. While the 'provably fair' systems provide a certain degree of transparency and the RNG models ensure unpredictability in game outcomes, they both operate within a centralized framework, thereby inherently entrusting a single entity with the responsibility of fair play. HashFair skillfully integrates the best features of both these models while eliminating their shared drawback of centralization. The result is a gaming environment that is not just provably fair but also visibly fair.

In addition to this, HashFair addresses common pain points in traditional online gaming, such as delays in withdrawals and the risk of funds getting stuck due to centralized controls. By leveraging the power of DeFi and smart contracts, HashFair ensures a pool of locked liquidity, facilitating seamless, immediate, and immutable withdrawals. The decentralization of game outcomes and payments also significantly reduces the risk of funds being stuck or confiscated, thereby cultivating trust among gamers and fostering a more secure and robust gaming ecosystem.

HashFair's profitability also plays a significant role in enhancing the value of its native HF tokens. A unique deflationary mechanism is in place, whereby the profits generated from the gaming operations are used to buy back HF tokens from the open market. Once bought, these tokens are permanently removed from circulation or 'burned.' By reducing the total supply of HF tokens over time and maintaining or increasing the demand, this mechanism leads to an appreciation in the token's value, benefiting all HF token holders.

In summary, HashFair is not just pioneering the next evolution in online gaming but is also reinventing the standard of fairness and trust in the industry. With the world's first decentralized dealer, it is building a gaming ecosystem that is both secure and engaging, harnessing the best elements of blockchain technology, DeFi, and smart contracts. This innovative model promises to propel the gaming ecosystem into the future, offering an experience that is transparent, autonomous, and immensely rewarding for its participants.



Hash Fair's roadmap outlines a comprehensive plan for the development and expansion of our platform in the online gaming industry. By conducting thorough research, building a user-friendly platform powered by blockchain technology, engaging the community through tokenization and NFT integration, and expanding globally while ensuring compliance, we are poised to create a dynamic and trusted gaming experience. Through continuous enhancements, partnerships, and user-driven governance, Hash Fair is committed to becoming a leading player in the industry, offering transparency, fairness, and an immersive environment for gamers worldwide.


  • Quarter 1: Concept Development and Research

Conduct market research to identify target audience and competitors.
Define the vision and mission of Hash Fair.

Establish the core team and allocate resources.

Develop a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology and its application in the online gaming industry.

  • Quarter 2: Platform Development

Build the Hash Fair platform with a focus on a user-friendly interface and seamless user experience.

Implement decentralized smart contracts for transparent and fair gaming outcomes.

Integrate secure and robust payment systems, including support for cryptocurrencies.

Develop a wide range of captivating and engaging online games.

Test and optimize the platform for scalability, security, and performance.

  • Quarter 3: Community Building and Token Launch

Launch the native token (HFG Coin) through a public token sale or Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to raise awareness about Hash Fair and attract a diverse community of users.

Implement a referral program to incentivize users to invite others to join the platform.

Engage with the community through social media, forums, and events to foster a strong and supportive user base.

  • Quarter 4: Governance and Ecosystem Expansion

Introduce the DAO governance model, allowing token holders to participate in decision-making processes and platform enhancements.

Regularly hold community voting to decide on new game additions, platform updates, and community initiatives.

Explore partnerships and collaborations with other blockchain projects and industry stakeholders to expand the Hash Fair ecosystem.

Continuously enhance the platform based on user feedback and industry trends, ensuring a dynamic and evolving gaming experience.


  • Quarter 1: Exclusive NFT Integration and Rewards

Develop and launch the exclusive NFT system, offering unique digital assets and rewards for users.

Create partnerships with renowned artists and brands to create limited-edition NFTs for Hash Fair users.

Implement NFT rewards for achieving milestones, participating in tournaments, and engaging with the platform.

Establish a decentralized NFT marketplace for users to buy, sell, and trade their exclusive digital assets.

  • Quarter 2: Global Expansion and Regulations

Expand the reach of Hash Fair to international markets, complying with local regulations and licensing requirements.

Forge strategic partnerships with established online gaming operators and industry influencers to accelerate growth.

Continuously monitor and adapt to changing legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure compliance and legitimacy.

Conduct regular audits and security assessments to maintain a high level of trust and security for users.

For More Information



Username: Sarwijen80

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2648584

Telegram : @sarwijen80

Polygon wallet address: 0xfC37F4C46c5CD25BD5959CeC665494EfA4E99bfD

Senin, 07 Agustus 2023

HXAcoin - Can be used as part of a loyalty and rewards program


NFT and blockchain technology provide guarantees for artists for the ownership of their work. This is an innovation for digital artists who have always struggled to combat plagiarism and creative theft. The smart contract system that exists in NFT also allows artists to write down the percentage of royalties each time their work changes hands.

NFTs can link physical assets such as proof of ownership of a house or other property. Physical ownership deeds can be stored more securely on the blockchain with a fast verification process. You don't need to worry about valuable certificates being lost or stolen by other people because the ownership data is in the blockchain.

Herencia Artifex is a blockchain-based platform that aims to revolutionize the real-world items industry by providing users with exclusive access to private sales of high-end clothing items from renowned brands. The platform achieves this by integrating blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to create a unique ecosystem that rewards users for their loyalty and engagement.

Artifex's Herencia platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which allows it to leverage the security, transparency, and immutability of the blockchain to create a trusted, decentralized environment. The platform uses smart contracts to automate the sales process, ensuring that all transactions are secure and transparent.

The platform's native token is called HXA, which is an ERC-20 token. HXA serves several purposes within the Herencia Artifex ecosystem. First, users can stake HXA tokens to gain access to private sales of high-end clothing items from well-known brands. The more HXA tokens a user stakes, the higher his priority will be in the sales queue. This incentivizes users to hold and stake HXA tokens, increasing demand and value. 

At the core of HXAcoin's functionality is blockchain technology. Blockchain works as an immutable ledger, recording all transactions in a transparent and secure manner. This decentralization eliminates the need for intermediaries such as banks, thereby reducing transaction costs and increasing security against fraudulent activity. 

What is HXAcoin?

HXA coin is the native utility token of the Herencia Artifex project - a revolutionary NFT project that aims to bridge the gap between real-world items and blockchain technology. By leveraging NFTs and introducing the HXA coin, Herencia Artifex seeks to create an innovative ecosystem that enables exclusive access to private merchandise sales through a tiered staking system.

HXA coin is an ERC-20 compliant token, built on the Ethereum blockchain, renowned for its robust security features, processing power, and reliability. With a total supply of 500,000,000,000 HXA tokens, it offers a vast ecosystem with exciting possibilities for its holders.

The platform's native token is called HXA, which is an ERC-20 token. HXA serves several purposes within the Herencia Artifex ecosystem. First, users can stake HXA tokens to gain access to private sales of high-end clothing items from renowned brands. The more HXA tokens a user stakes, the higher their priority in the sales queue. This incentivizes users to hold and stake HXA tokens, which increases demand and value.

Second, HXA tokens are used to reward users for their engagement and loyalty. Users can earn HXA tokens by participating in the platform's community activities, such as referring new users, leaving product reviews, and sharing items on social media. This incentivizes users to engage with the platform, which creates a vibrant and active community.

Finally, HXA tokens can be used to purchase items on the Herencia Artifex platform. By using HXA tokens, users can enjoy discounts and other exclusive benefits, such as early access to new sales and limited edition items.

The Herencia Artifex platform and its HXA token aim to create a unique ecosystem that rewards users for their loyalty and engagement. By leveraging blockchain technology and NFTs, the platform provides users with exclusive access to private sales of high-end clothing items from renowned brands, while also creating a vibrant and active community.

HXA coin is a groundbreaking NFT project that seeks to bridge the gap between real-world items and the blockchain, offering investors exclusive opportunities and promising returns.In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, disruptive projects like HXAcoin are spearheading a revolution in the fashion industry. As an investor, understanding the unique value proposition of HXAcoin can lead to fruitful long-term gains and exciting new possibilities in the world of fashion and decentralized finance (DeFi). In this article, we explore the reasons why HXAcoin is the project you should seriously consider for your investment portfolio.

At the heart of HXAcoin lies its tiered staking system, offering token holders exclusive access to private clothes sales. By staking HXA tokens, participants can earn rewards such as limited-edition fashion collections, discounts on purchases, and invitations to VIP events. This unique feature allows fashion enthusiasts to be at the forefront of the latest trends and access coveted items that are otherwise hard to obtain, giving them a sense of prestige and exclusivity. 

Utility of HXAcoin Token

The Herencia token is the native utility token of the Herencia platform.

The main features:

  • Staking program
  • Collaboration with real-world items Brands
  • User-Tier levels system

Herencia token serves multiple purposes, including but not limited to:

Staking and Rewards: The HXA token can offer a staking mechanism where token holders can lock or stake their tokens on the platform. By staking HXA tokens, participants can earn rewards in the form of additional tokens, discounts on purchases, or access to exclusive features and events.

Governance and Voting: HXA token holders may have governance rights within the platform, allowing them to participate in decision-making processes. They can vote on proposals, such as new clothing brand partnerships, platform upgrades, or changes to token economics. This gives token holders a voice in shaping the direction of the project.

Loyalty and Rewards Program: The HXA token can be used as part of a loyalty and rewards program. Token holders can earn rewards based on their engagement, purchases, or referrals, which can be redeemed for discounts, special privileges, or unique experiences within the real-items ecosystem.

Exclusive Access and Benefits: Holding HXA tokens can grant users exclusive access to events, experiences, or collaborations with real items brands. Token holders may receive priority access to new releases, early access to sales, or invitations to exclusive item presentation shows or brand events.

Tradable Asset: The HXA token can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing token holders to buy, sell, or trade their tokens with other users. This provides liquidity and the potential for token value appreciation based on market demand.

Incentives for Engagement: HXA tokens can incentivize user engagement within the platform and the broader community. Active participation, such as referring new users, creating content, or contributing to discussions, can be rewarded with HXA tokens, fostering a vibrant and engaged community.

Multilevel Access System with HXA Tokens for Exclusive Sales

There is a system for accessing private sales of items using a tiered approach. Users are required to stake a specific number of HXA tokens to gain access to the sales and achieve a corresponding tier status. The higher the tier, the earlier the access and the greater the potential benefits, such as limited-edition releases and discounts.

The system is designed to be fair and reward loyal participants. Users start at the Beginner level upon registration and staking of HXA tokens. To unlock higher levels and gain access to more exclusive collections, users need to earn a certain amount of Herencia Points (HP). The levels and corresponding HP requirements are as follows:

  • Crypto items lovers: 10,000 HP, Access to bronze level collection
  • Real items lovers: 20,000 HP, silver level collection
  • Influencer: 50,000 HP, Gold level collection
  • Ambassador: 100,000 HP, Platinum-level collections
  • Items Boss: 200,000 HP, Diamond-level collections
  • Visioner: 500,000 HP, VIP-Events

By staking HXA tokens and earning HP, users can unlock higher tiers and gain exclusive access to rare and limited-edition items. This system incentivizes users to participate and engage with the platform, while also building a sense of community among users.

Coin Info

  • Token Name: HXAcoin
  • Token Symbol: HXA
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Total Supply: 500,000,000,000HXA

HXA token is the native utility token of the Herencia Artifex platform and is compliant with the ERC-20 token standard for the Ethereum chain with mature security performance, processing power, and various durability features. 

The Promising Roadmap:

The roadmap for HXAcoin and the Herencia Artifex platform is carefully curated to ensure steady progress and expansion:

2023 3Q:

The initial version of the Herencia platform is launched.

The Staking Program is released, allowing users to participate in staking activities.

The tiered staking system and private items sales functionality are implemented.

Payment gateway partnerships are established to enhance HXAcoin token usability.

NFT auctions are introduced on the Herencia platform, expanding the ecosystem’s offerings.

Payment gateway partnerships are formed with three new global brands. 

2023 4Q:

The platform expands into decentralized finance (DeFi) services, incorporating lending and borrowing options.

Regulatory Compliance

As the cryptocurrency space navigates various regulatory challenges, HXAcoin is committed to complying with the necessary legal requirements. By ensuring transparency and cooperation with regulatory authorities, HXAcoin aims to build trust among its users and establish itself as a reputable digital currency. 


HXAcoin emerges as a promising utility token with a wide array of applications and benefits within the Herencia Artifex platform. Its staking program, collaboration with real-world brands, and user-tier levels system set it apart from conventional cryptocurrencies. With an exciting roadmap ahead, the future of Herencia Artifex and HXAcoin promises innovation, growth, and prosperity for its vibrant community of users. As the platform evolves and expands, the world watches with anticipation to witness its impact on the crypto landscape and beyond.

#HXA #Herencia #minigame #NFT

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Username: Sarwijen80

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2648584

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Telegram Username: @sarwijen80

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Selasa, 01 Agustus 2023

HashFair - Blockchain and Decentralized Dealer Smart Contracts Offering Transparency and Autonomy


HashFair marks a distinctive departure from the 'provably fair' concept that is prevalent in the online games space. While 'provably fair' systems do offer a certain degree of transparency, they still operate within a centralized model, entrusting a single entity with the responsibility of fair play. HashFair, on the other hand, leverages decentralization to its full potential, ensuring absolute transparency and autonomy through its blockchain-based framework and decentralized dealer smart contracts

HashFair aims to make a significant impact on the global online gaming landscape, targeting a user base of 15 million gamers worldwide by 2025. With an ambitious YOY growth rate of 30%, we envision substantial expansion and widespread adoption of our platform. By continuously enhancing the user experience, prioritizing transparency, and fostering a vibrant community, we are confident in achieving our goal of becoming the platform of choice for millions of online gamblers globally.

While HashFair is poised to make a significant impact on the online gaming market, it is essential to acknowledge that market size and share are influenced by various factors. These include our ability to differentiate from competitors, the demand for decentralized and provably fair games, and the overall adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. While we have set ambitious goals, specific figures and forecasts require ongoing analysis and assessment. As we continue to innovate and attract users with our transparent and innovative platform, we aim to capture a substantial market share and drive significant growth in the coming years. 

Welcome to HashFair, the cutting-edge frontier of decentralized gaming. We're proud to offer a brand-new level of transparency and fairness with our groundbreaking algorithm. Drawing from the unchangeable block hashes of the Polygon Chain, we've created a unique formula that guarantees complete randomness in our range of online games, including roulette. This novel approach maps hash data directly onto roulette wheel numbers, ensuring a perfectly unbiased and decentralized gaming experience like never before. With HashFair, it's not just about playing; it's about embracing a trustless, secure, and thrilling future in gaming.

HashFair is an innovative online games platform pioneering the integration of Web 3.0 technologies within the gaming industry. Built upon the robust infrastructure of blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and smart contracts, HashFair has introduced the world's first decentralized dealer. Operating autonomously on an immutable smart contract, this decentralized dealer is a groundbreaking feature that has the potential to revolutionize the online gaming landscape.

Traditional online games platforms often rely on a centralized authority or a 'trusted third party' to maintain fair play, which can create a layer of opacity and mistrust. HashFair, however, disrupts this approach by providing an autonomous dealer that guarantees both the integrity of game outcomes and the immediacy of transactions. By leveraging blockchain technology, all game outcomes are transparent, traceable, and tamper-proof, which not only instills trust among gamers but also removes the need for a central authority.

Moreover, HashFair differs significantly from conventional 'provably fair' and 'Random Number Generator (RNG)' models prevalent in the online gaming domain. While the 'provably fair' systems provide a certain degree of transparency and the RNG models ensure unpredictability in game outcomes, they both operate within a centralized framework, thereby inherently entrusting a single entity with the responsibility of fair play. HashFair skillfully integrates the best features of both these models while eliminating their shared drawback of centralization. The result is a gaming environment that is not just provably fair but also visibly fair.

In addition to this, HashFair addresses common pain points in traditional online gaming, such as delays in withdrawals and the risk of funds getting stuck due to centralized controls. By leveraging the power of DeFi and smart contracts, HashFair ensures a pool of locked liquidity, facilitating seamless, immediate, and immutable withdrawals. The decentralization of game outcomes and payments also significantly reduces the risk of funds being stuck or confiscated, thereby cultivating trust among gamers and fostering a more secure and robust gaming ecosystem.

HashFair's profitability also plays a significant role in enhancing the value of its native HF tokens. A unique deflationary mechanism is in place, whereby the profits generated from the gaming operations are used to buy back HF tokens from the open market. Once bought, these tokens are permanently removed from circulation or 'burned.' By reducing the total supply of HF tokens over time and maintaining or increasing the demand, this mechanism leads to an appreciation in the token's value, benefiting all HF token holders.

In summary, HashFair is not just pioneering the next evolution in online gaming but is also reinventing the standard of fairness and trust in the industry. With the world's first decentralized dealer, it is building a gaming ecosystem that is both secure and engaging, harnessing the best elements of blockchain technology, DeFi, and smart contracts. This innovative model promises to propel the gaming ecosystem into the future, offering an experience that is transparent, autonomous, and immensely rewarding for its participants. 

Hashfair NFT

"HashFair NFT: Lose the Bet, Win a Lifetime - Transforming Losses into Sustainable Earnings."

Dealer Contract (DC): This is the starting point of the flow. The dealer contract is where the profits are initially held. When it's time to distribute the profits, the dealer contract sends them to the staking pool.

Staking Pool (SP): The staking pool receives the profits from the dealer contract. It's responsible for calculating the shares of each stakeholder based on the number of NFTs they have staked in the pool. The more NFTs a stakeholder has staked, the larger their share of the profits.

Stake Holders (SH): These are the individuals or entities that hold NFTs and have staked them in the pool. They receive their share of the profits from the staking pool based on the number of NFTs they have staked.

The cycle continues as stakeholders stake more NFTs in the pool, and the staking pool recalculates the shares whenever it receives profits from the dealer contract.

This flow ensures that the profits from the dealer contract are distributed fairly among the stakeholders based on their contribution to the pool (i.e., the number of NFTs they have staked).

An exciting aspect of HashFair's NFT token integration is that it also confers supervisory power to its holders. NFT owners will have a say in crucial decisions concerning the game's development, mechanics, or future updates. This model ensures that the community has a significant role in shaping the game's trajectory and fosters a deeper level of engagement between the players and the platform. The ability to influence the direction of the game transforms players from passive participants to active stakeholders in the HashFair ecosystem.

In summary, HashFair is not just pioneering the next evolution in online gaming but is also reinventing the standard of fairness and trust in the industry. With the world's first decentralized dealer, it is building a gaming ecosystem that is both secure and engaging, harnessing the best elements of blockchain technology, DeFi, and smart contracts. This innovative model promises to propel the gaming ecosystem into the future, offering an experience that is transparent, autonomous, and immensely rewarding for its participants.

For More Information:










Username: Sarwijen80

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2648584

Telegram : @sarwijen80

Polygon wallet address: 0xfC37F4C46c5CD25BD5959CeC665494EfA4E99bfD

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